RAlink RT61 not working in Edgy

Peter Brook drpeter.brook at btinternet.com
Fri Oct 27 10:02:07 UTC 2006

Johan Ramm-Ericson <ubuntu at ramm-ericson.se> wrote:  
On Fri, October 27, 2006 Joe Harrison wrote:
> Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 19:10:25 +1100
> From: "Joe Harrison" 
> Subject: Re: RAlink RT61 not working in Edgy
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> ralink RT61 is the chipset. the card is a pcmcia dlink dwl-g630.
> Ralink release drivers for linux. They are one of the few manufacturers
> that
> do. Its really dissappointing that Edgy doesnt support it by default.
> There
> is no excuse...
> On 10/27/06, Peter Brook wrote:
>> *Joe Harrison * wrote:
>> For the life of me I cannot get my RALink pcmcia card working in Edgy.
>> After some playing around it worked fine in Dapper but its well broken
>> in
>> edgy. Has anyone got this card working...and if so how?
>> --
>> Joe Harrison
>> 0403-082-123
>> aloysius7 at gmail.com
>> http://www.taswaterfalls.com
>> Registered Linux User: #396104
>> Somehow I knew in hell there would be mushrooms. - Guybrush Threepwood
>> --
>> ubuntu-users mailing list
>> ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users
>> Hi Joe
>> Sorry, I am assuming RA Link is a wireless network card
>> I have problems with internal Intersil (Prism) 3890 and seperately a USB
>> card that I have posted to the group and as yet have been unable to
>> resolve.
>> There have been quite a few postings with other WiFi card problems too.
>> Although the internal card may have a problem with associated "launch
>> key"
>> on the laptop and I did not get it working on Dapper, the USB card
>> worked
>> fine on Dapper, but not Edgy - in fact it now seems to have fried itself
>> and
>> will not work at all...
>> I wonder if anyone with a little more knowledge/skill in the area could
>> tell us if there is a problem in Edgy , and if so whether it will be
>> fixed
>> or if there is a work-around. Otherwise, can anyone recommend a PCMCIA
>> card
>> or USB that they know works with no problems under Edgy?
>> Best regards
>> Peter
>> drpeter.brook at btinternet.com

Hi Joe and Peter,

I feel for you both, running headlong into this kind of hardware trouble
seems to be a thing of the past with Linux these days. Nonetheless, please
consider that Linux development is mostly a volunteer effort, therefore
expecting every piece of hardware to be supported is a harsh demand. I
mean, each and every volunteer only has so much time on his or her
hands... Also, in general (possibly not relevant to this particular issue)
there are licensing issues to consider when manufacturers provide their
own Linux drivers. That may be another explanation as to why support for
certain hardware is not complete.

Having said that; even though you may have been through this already I
would suggest you follow the instructions here:
Let the mailinglist know where things start going wrong and we should have
some common ground to discuss from.


ubuntu-users mailing list
ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Thanks Johan  
  I have used the trouble shooting guide and been through quite a lot of the other documentation.  I cannot remember the precise read out on a terminal for the point I gave up and am away from the machine currently.  I will try and post ASAP.
  I do appreciate I cannot expect everything to work and the volunteer nature of the product/development, but love the OS and don't want to give up even if I need to buy a new WiFi card or even laptop.  I have a home/office network with 2 other machines, but want to get the first one sorted before moving on.  Having been a little frustrated with windows licensing especially following hardware failure and inability to re-register software I already thought I already owned.....  I would love to move across completely to Linux
  kind regards
  drpeter.brook at btinternet.com
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