Linux and Open Source... What is still missing?

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Oct 26 12:34:45 UTC 2006


> Chanchao;
> Your observation is correct OOOBase is not for developers
> and surly not who are willing to shell out $.
> But as it is ubuntu is more of a desktop/laptop solution where
> compared to developer.
> If I list what ubuntu is missing from developer's viewpoint then
> first would be latest GCC compiler out of box ( forget the IDE part. )

It's an argument that will probably last a lifetime (at least Ubuntu's). 
The average user _doesn't_ need a compiler - you don't get one with
Windows.  A developer isn't an average user.  Perhaps the simplest fix
might be to change the package name "build-essential" to "compile-tools"
> I am not a developer but when all the software are available as
> source one would always ask for GCC 3.x compiler.

All the software most users need is already available as a binary package.
> As an advance user I was also looking for CAD applications but these
> software needs lot many libraries and they don't seem to run.
> For such application $ paid software have still no rivals.

Specialized applications will never be available as Free software.  People
like to protect their investments.

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