Back to Windows...

Wei-Yee Chan chanweiyee at
Wed Oct 25 13:48:17 UTC 2006

I advised U to check your Thunderbird mail directory and file
permissions.  Have U done that?  If U don't know how to, then ask.  I
did not receive any feedback from U at all in your previous thread.  

There's nothing wrong with Linux if U can't read the files U don't have
permissions to - That's exactly how Linux is supposed to function.

There's always a price for most things.  I paid the "price" and earned
the ability to install Linux on any number of machines I desire, without
having to worry about licence fees.  If U feel that this "price" is too
much for U to bear, well fine, go back to Windoze.

Do not expect Linux to function just like Windoze.  It's erroneous to
say that Linux distros have a long way to go before they can compete
with Windoze.  Let me assure U that the fact is, U still have a long way
to go before U know how Linux works.

K S Balaji wrote:
> Hi
> It was good to be using Ubuntu for about a month.  I lost my
> Thunderbird mails as I had to reinstall Ubuntu.  Even though I had a
> copy of the mails on CD, I could not restore them in the new
> installation even after going through various How Tos.
> I had to remove Ubuntu and reinstall XP, buy a licensed software to
> convert my thunderbird mails to .eml format and print them.  Even
> though Ubuntu was free, I still had to pay heavily for it.
> Ubuntu as well as Linux distros have a long journey to make before
> they can compete with Windows which I had to learn the hard way.  Now
> I have to get my XP activated again...:-(
> Regards
> K S Balaji

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