firefox + vmplayer problem

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Tue Oct 24 07:00:59 UTC 2006


2 problems that keep haunting me on 6.06:
firefox hangs the system for several minutes when closing it. Its window remains unresponsive during this time an dthe processor is up to 100% so that I cannot even run the process monitor or switch to a virtual desktop to run top. I already removed all extensions (used without a problem on pre 1.5 releases of firefox) but invain. Most of the time the system comes back, but there have been several occasions that I had to reforce a cold boot.
yesterday I installed vmplayer from the repo. When runnin git, I get th emessage that vmnet module is not present. How to resolve that?



Alain Muls                                               Tel +32.2.7426340
Royal Military Academy                          Fax +32.2.7426472
Dep CISS-ASGE                                 alain.muls at
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