Back to Windows...

Felipe Alfaro Solana felipe.alfaro at
Mon Oct 23 15:59:09 UTC 2006

On 10/23/06, K S Balaji <balajiks2k at> wrote:

> Ubuntu as well as Linux distros have a long journey to make before they can
> compete with Windows which I had to learn the hard way.  Now I have to get
> my XP activated again...:-(

I strongly disagree... :-)

I think Ubuntu has a long way to go to be perfect, but Windows has
even a longer way to be usable, secure and reliable. I have been using
Ubuntu for a long time, and Fedora for even a longer time, and they
have been always more realiable to use, although I realize there are
things that still need to get polished.

Anyways, you should use what it works for you. If Ubuntu didn't work
for you after trying to get it working, looking for help, etc., then
you will probably want to turn back to Windows, although that won't
keep you from losing mails in Thunderbird since, it seems to me, the
problem was not with Ubuntu, but with Thunderbird itself.

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