BOINC 64 bit question

Mike Bader mdbader at
Sun Oct 22 16:42:10 UTC 2006

I'm going to try a 64-bit ubuntu and BOINC in the next few days.
Have all the parts and the system half build :-)
Athlon 64 X2 3800+

As far as I know there is no 64-but BOINC
but will go take another look.

If you aren't on a team give ours a try.
Over 9 million in TC for SETI.
Running 30+ BOINC projects
79th in overall teams. TC
70th in overall teams RAC


Mike Bader
Team Spot_E.T.
Join Our International Team

R Kimber wrote:
> I'm running Dapper with 2.6.15-27-amd64-k8
> I see that there is a version of BOINC in the 64 bit repository.
> Can anyone tell me which distributed project is 64 bit?  I haven't
> found one yet.  I keep getting an error from the server telling me
> that the platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu is not found.
> Is there a way of getting the 32 bit projects to run?  If not, why is
> there a 64 bit version of BOINC?
> - Richard.
> --
> Richard Kimber

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