X screen not centered

Brian Walker bfwalker at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 13:10:50 UTC 2006

On 21/10/06, Eric Lemoine <eric.lemoine at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I've just installed kubuntu/edgy and I'm having a problem with X
> (xorg) : my X screen is not centered (in the physical screen). I can
> center it using xvidtune but it's back to its initial state after
> reboot. What can I do to have xorg configured properly?
> I assume you have looked at the error logs of xorg, and that the xorg.confis correct? The monitor  horizontal and vertical levels are appropriate and
such like? Any messages on the /var/log files reporting issues? Maybe not
just the "EEE" messages, but those flagged for information. Sorry, but I
have just being doing similar things with my xorg.conf when installing BSD

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