Dapper/Edgy Wireless Problems: Minitar

Peter Clutton peterclutton at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 09:45:41 UTC 2006

I'm having quite a few problems and gripes with wthe workings of
wireless under dapper and edgy, and would appreciate any help very

I have now bought the Minitar wireless pci card, apparently the exact
card recommended by the free software foundation for linux support. In
the network admin section though i see two cards, one called
wlan0-master, i have no idea what that does, and the other called
wlan1. I suppose thats one of my main confusions. I have tried setting
both up under network admin, plus either/or, and had absolutely no
luck. iwconfig tells me it is up, gives me an ipv6 address anyway, and
gives me the essid (to me this means the ssid that you type into the
access point?) but nothing will work, no pings or anything. I also
noticed there is no longer a way to set the gateway device under
network admin, how does it know wether to route trafic out ethernet or
wlan if i can't specify this?

One thought i had was that it would work under network manager which
supposedly is replacing network admin. However it is not on the dapper
or on the edgy rc disc, so i have no way of downloading it. I guess my
question is why did breezy do all this automatically with even obscure
wireless cards on my laptop, but dapper and edgy continually frustrate
me in setting up a card using the supposed sacred Railink chipset or
whichever it is? Is there something I am missing?

Thanks in advance.

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