skype: how can I get my voice louder?

Chris Lemire good_bye300 at
Thu Oct 19 17:10:31 UTC 2006

it could be your microphone going bad. have you tried another one to see if there is a difference? have you tried using your mic on a different computer? try running alsamixer and alsaconf? you could try using a different sound card to see if that helps.

Marcelle Soares-Santos <marcellesantos at> wrote:  Hello, guys. Thanks for your help.
I had already done these ajustments before posting. After seeing your
posts, I've tried (again) all the possible combinations of capture
level, microphone level, master... Actually, a low voice level (nearly
impossible to be heard) is the best think I can get. I need more
Thanks, Marcelle.

On 10/16/06, Eamonn Sullivan wrote:
> On 10/16/06, Constantine Evans wrote:
> > Adjusting the microphone level will change the playback level for the
> > microphone. The capture level, or the microphone level under the capture
> > tab, is what needs to be adjusted.
> >
> Ah, yes, you're right. Sorry, was posting too late.
> -Eamonn
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