skype: how can I get my voice louder?

Freddie Ruddick frederific at
Wed Oct 18 10:36:00 UTC 2006

On 18/10/06, Marcelle Soares-Santos <marcellesantos at> wrote:
> Hello, guys. Thanks for your help.
> I had already done these ajustments before posting. After seeing your
> posts, I've tried (again) all the possible combinations of capture
> level, microphone level, master... Actually, a low voice level (nearly
> impossible to be heard) is the best think I can get.  I need more
> help.
> Thanks, Marcelle.

On the volume control properties, do you have an option for "Mic Boost (+20dB)"?

If you do, check it. Then, in the volume control window, you should
have an extra tab "Switches" with a checkbox for "Mic Boost (+20dB)"

This works on my box, but it could be soundcard-specific. Get in touch
if you want me to chuck some screendumps up


Freddie :)
Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.

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