Changing partition sizes with LVM

Magnus Runesson mr-ubuntu at
Wed Oct 18 16:30:32 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 22:32 -0400, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
> Magnus Runesson wrote:
> > The four steps you should perform are:
> > 1. Reduce the file system
> reduce the filesystem to below your desired size.  For example if you 
> want a 50 GB partition, shrink the filesystem down to 48 GB.  but under 
> no circumstances should you shrink its smaller than your data set.  If 
> you can't shrink to at least a GB smaller than your desired volume, you 
> need a new disc.
> > 2. Reduce the logical volume
> reduce this to the size that you want.  For example, 50 GB

Very good idea. Another extra step can be to mount the shrunk file
system to verify that it is smaller before shrinking the LV. And of
course unmount it again before reducing the LV.


Magnus Runesson <mr-ubuntu at>

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