
Peter Yates pd.yates at
Tue Oct 17 14:37:14 UTC 2006

I think you're preaching to the choir.

With regards to MS's house of cards being about to topple though, I don't
see it (just yet).  In a couple of years there will be millions of happy
Vista users.  Most people think that computing is windows, creating
documents is word and the internet is a blue e on their desktop.

A very very small percentage of users care about transferring vista installs
to other machines.  Why?  Because their other machines will come with Vista
pre-installed.  How many users build their own boxes as a percentage of all
PC users?  What percentage of them are already using linux/bsd?

Some power users will be disgruntled by this, of course.  Some of them may
end up on OSX, Linux or BSD but most won't - they'll reluctantly shell out a
£200 (or whatever) for a new licence or obtain one in a slightly more
illegitimate way.

MS won't be up there forever, I don't think their time is up quite yet.
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