Adding RAM

Wei-Yee Chan chanweiyee at
Fri Oct 13 22:46:29 UTC 2006

Tony Arnold wrote:
> I'm not convinced of this! The amount of cache you need surely depends
> on the access patterns of data/code in main memory and should not be
> dependent on the amount of physical memory.
> As I understand caching, every time the processor tries to get a the
> contents of a location in memory it checks to see if the contents of
> that location has been cached. If not, it goes to main memory and puts a
> copy in the cache, if yes, then it gets it from the cache which is much
> faster than main memory. Hence frequently access locations stay in
> cache. Also, loops of code that can all fit in cache will run much
> faster than loops that do not fit.
> Regards,
> Tony.

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