help with gnofract/fractint

Bjørn Ingmar Berg bjorn.ingmar.berg at
Thu Oct 12 11:34:17 UTC 2006

On 01/09/06, Rui Parracho <afragler.linux at> wrote:
> has anyone had any luck installing gnofract4d?

I managed to install it by converting an rpm with the latest version
to a deb by way of the alien utility.  It runs perfectly most of the
time, but has a few annoying glitches and bugs.
How do we put it on the wishlist for inclusion in Universe?  :-)

> I would also like to install fractint if any has any advice.

I have used Fractint a lot under DOS.  I have experimented with Xaos,
Gnofract4D and XFractint the last few days.  The two first work well,
albeit Xaos feels somewhat limited.  XFractint tends to make a mess of
itself and I haven't managed to have it running for more than about 10
minutes at a time.  It looks as if Gnofract4D has incorporated many
(but not all) of the options, formulas and parameters that Fractint
has.  As far as I can tell Gnofract4D lacks the deep-zooming ability
and presicion that Fractint has, as well as the funtion that saves the
fractal parameters within the generated image.
Gnofract4D is well on the way to become a worthy continuation of the
Fractint legacy.  But I'll keep Fractint on my (win)dos-box for a
while still.

Bjørn Ingmar Berg

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