edgy upgrade problems

MLT mstruscott at optusnet.com.au
Wed Oct 11 21:32:40 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 11 October 2006 20:23, Steve Flynn wrote:
> On 11/10/06, MLT <mstruscott at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> > When I boot messages are as normal except for a message at the bottom
> > saying:
> >
> > Kernel direct mapping tables up to 1000 0000 @ 8000-8000
> Normal, I believe.
But it confused me as my laptop has just sailed through to usplash with no 
such message

> Then at the point I would expect usplash to start the screen blanks and I
> am
> > left with a white cursor in the top left.
> >
> > If I change to tty1 then I get the following error message:
> >
> > 5e411d60:4c7d4512 F1 ILLEGAL X86 OPCODE!
> Something not right there.
> It then notifies me that the 4 logical volume are now active and then the
> > following message:
> >
> > 5e411d60:4c7d4512 63 ILLEGAL X86 OPCODE!
> >
> > The computer then seems to do a complete check of the file system which
> > the
> > system passes. The system then does a very slow boot to an x terminal,
> > there
> > are no errors posted during this process.
> My upgrade does this fsck too, or at least appears to - I presume it's to
> do with journaling in EXT3 as it's a very quick filesystem check. I'd
> suggest it was "normal" and not part of your issue.
Fine-it just takes forever to complete
> The system then goes into kdm which will accept input for a short time (I
> > think until a return key is pressed) then the keyboard is ignored for x
> > or a
> > console and there is no acceptance of any other USB input. The machine
> > will
> > then boot properly but no input is possible. It is possible to login from
> > a
> > ssh session but there is no bash/dash shell just a "dumb" $.
> This isn't normal obviously...
> At this point my knowledge stops. Any suggestions?
> I'm afraid I've got no idea - one of the issues with upgrading to a testing
> release I guess. I think I'd start with attempting to determine what code
> is loaded at location 5e411d60:4c7d451 - get rid of that and I'd suspect
> that there's a strong chance that your non-responsive keyboard issue may
> improve.
How do I do this?
> Do you have any exotic hardware attached to this machine - USB card
> readers, webcam, etc? Output of "lspci" perhaps - anything else in the
> message or syslog file, or even dmesg?

Nothing very exotic- a wireless mouse transmitter that hoary could deal with 
and a IR receiver
> If it's any consolation, this is the sort of problem which testing Edgy is
> supposed to reveal - it's just a bummer when it reveals itself on your
> machine...
I know, but there must be some way round...

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