iPod and generic mp3 player support in Edgy and Dapper

Felipe Alfaro Solana felipe.alfaro at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 03:44:26 UTC 2006

On 10/9/06, brendon <brendontoogood at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 October 2006 15:46, Damien Hull wrote:
> > I've got an iPod and both GTKPod and Banshee didn't work. I ran into the
> > HFS+ Problem. Got a friends iPod with a fat 32 file system. GTKPod
> > didn't even see the iPod.
> >
> > The iPod with the fat 32 file system came that way. Apparently some
> > iPods have an HFS+ file system and some have fat 32. This can be changed
> > with the software on the CD.
> >
> > I would like to see the iPod supported under Linux but based on my
> > experience it doesn't work. I currently run the open source software
> > Rockbox. It works well with my mp3 and ogg music collection. However, it
> > doesn't support iTunes. This is where a lot of people are getting their
> > music and video's from.
> I myself have a 20gb ipod colour(it does pictures)  now i have used gtkpod and
> amarok under both breezy,dapper  and now edgy with no problems at all  gkt
> pod is good, amarok is alot like itues and works basically the same it will
> write all your songs to the ipod and rewrite the ipod database for it as
> well, it is quick and easy to use.
> yes  you are right some ipods that come out are windows/mac  but you have to
> use a program like ipod updater to format the ipod and create the system
> directories  that are needed.  then  you can use your ipod with gtk/amarok
> for write your  songs to your ipod.

AFAIK, there is no such thing like a Windows iPod or a Mac iPod. When
you plug your iPod for the very first time, the internal hard disk
gets formatted. If you plug your iPod for the very first time to a
WInblows PeeCee, the iPod's internal hard disk will be formatted as a
FAT32 drive. However, if you plug in your iPod to a Mac for the very
first time, the iPod's hard disk will get formatted as HFS+ with

> all in all i would have to say  that kubuntu/ubuntu has a very good ipod
> support and is works very well with linux.

99% agree (it could be even better) :-)

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