Xubuntu on P-III

Karl Goetz kamping_kaiser at internode.on.net
Mon Oct 9 10:12:03 UTC 2006

Chanchao wrote:
> H.S.Rai wrote:
>> I was trying to install Xubuntu on PIII 1.2 GHz with Ram 128MB from
>> Live CD, as dual boot on a system which had MSwinXP. 
> 128MB is ok-ish for running Xubuntu, but absolutely not enough for 
> running the live CD.  You might JUST get away with it by tweaking the 
> boot options to reduce the ram drive size.

i doubt you would get away with it then either.
> Still, it's much better to get the 'Alternate' install CD, so not the 
> live CD.
> (I think it's silly having the live CD being the default/recommended 
> version to install Xubuntu, which is obviously intended for lesser 
> hardware.)
> Oh, or an even better option:  Plug in at least 256MB or preferably 
> 512MB (it's cheap) and just run regular Ubuntu.   It works just fine on 
> a Pentium III, also those that run at less than 1Gz.  (As long as enough 
> memory is available).
If its SD ram its not cheap - at least not in AU :)
and 'cheap' is a rather relative idea.
> Memory is so cheap that it isn't even worth the hassle of downloading an 
> 'alternate' install CD.  Do yourself a favor and run enough memory. The 
> days of Linux (incl Xubuntu) being truly 'light' are far behind us.
sad but true[1]
> Cheers,
> Chanchao

[1] Unless you go wierd like E16/17 or a 'boring' wm ;)

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