pwmconfig: CPU fan no longer spins down

Craig Hagerman craighagerman at
Fri Oct 6 15:26:08 UTC 2006

On 10/6/06, Steve Flynn <anothermindbomb at> wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, looks weird. Ijust ran sensors again and that line now says:
> > +12V:     +11.43 V  (min = +10.82 V, max = +13.19 V)
> That's the +12v rail - is the -12v rail showing correctly now?

Whoops! I missed that. No, the -12 is not showing correctly. It is showing
-12V:      +6.06 V  (min = -10.80 V, max = -13.18 V)       ALARM

THAT is weird. The machine seems to be running OK other than the fan
issue though....
I don't remember looking at that line before so I can't remember how
long it has been like that.

> OK - have you tried removing the lmsensors package and re-installing it? I
> guess you have, as you're having a nightmare with it! Presumably, the
> oddness persisted.

Yeah. I removed and reinstalled lm-sensors. No luck.

> Sounds perfectly correct to me. Have you re-ran sensors-detect as root since
> fiddling with the values or plugging in the new fan? (I'm clutching at
> straws here!)

Yes. Several times in fact.

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