Please Help, problems installing Ubuntu 6.06

Rick Ziegler rziegler72 at
Fri Oct 6 04:57:18 UTC 2006

Thank you for the prompt reply.  I haven't rec'd any response anywhere else I've gone.  Is there a way to get the motherboard info from the BIOS screens, or do I have to open the case to find out?


Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at> wrote: On Thu, 5 Oct 2006 21:44:41 -0700 (PDT) Rick Ziegler  
>Forgive me if I'm in the wrong place.  I'm new to Linux & Ubuntu, and know 
little about hardware.
>I'm having problems trying to install Ubuntu 6.06 on a brand new system:
>Intel motherboard with integrated video/sound

What is the exact model number of the motherboaard?

Scott K

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