Where is the package manager

janne.jokitalo at dnainternet.net janne.jokitalo at dnainternet.net
Thu Oct 5 09:23:33 UTC 2006

On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:05:51 +0200
  Tchize <tchize at myrealbox.com> wrote:
> 1) I can't find an equivalent of adept (ubuntu package 
> manager) from kde in gnome

System > Administration > Synaptic Package Management.

> 2) I use a lot klipper in kde, it's a clipboard history. 
> Is there any gnome equivalent i can load?

Never used, but I seem to recall there being similarly 
named package, glipper. <a bit of apt-cache searching, and 
googling afterwards> Weird, it's not in the repositories. 
So, I suggest using xclipboard, which I also haven't used 

> 3) where is the pdf reader? (i use kpdf in kde)

I have a modified system, so I'm not sure what comes in a 
default install. There's evince, which after installed can 
be found in Applications > Graphics (as Document Viewer). 
Then there's gpdf, but I'm afraid it's not suggested by 

I have no idea about the rest of your questions, sorry.... 


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