Someone has encountered this annoying bug?

Luca Manganelli luca76 at
Thu Oct 5 09:18:02 UTC 2006

Note: to me it happens with CD text mode installer, too.

Text-mode installer - Failure trying to run: chroot /target mount -t
proc proc /proc

When I use the Desktop DVD for Ubuntu Edgy Eft Beta (i386 or amd64)
[ubuntu-6.10-beta-dvd-arch.iso], the text-mode install fails at base
system installation. Shortly after the zlib1g package, the install
displays the following error message:

Failure trying to run: chroot /target mount -t proc proc /proc

And after pressing the 'back' button a couple times:

debootstrap: mount: mount point /proc does not exist
exited with return error code 1

And it knocks me back to the menu of installation options
(partitioner, install base system, etc).

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