Tchize tchize at
Thu Oct 5 06:51:21 UTC 2006

Sameera Shaakunthala a écrit :
> Please tell me which desktop environment is the best. GNOME or KDE?
It depends on what you require from a desktop environment. If you
require a fast desktop environment, then forget about gnome or kde and
use lighter desktop (like the one in xubuntu). The rest is personnal
opinion. If you can, try both desktop for a week, to see what they have
in the chest and decide what you prefer.
> Please descrybe each other (technically and non-technically).
google is your friend (or yahoo, or any other search engine)
> Is it possible to run KDE applications such as kalzium on the GNOME? How 
> do I install some useful packages distributed with Kubuntu on my Ubuntu 
> system? If this is possible, I can remove both Edubuntu and Kubuntu to 
> save disk space.
You can run kde apps in gnome, like you can run gnome apps in kde.  it's
just somewhat slower (some kde service / gnome services need to be
started for apps to run properly).

You can install any kde app with the package manager (select the app and
go for it).
If you want to install the full kde environment, install the package
'kubuntu-desktop' (sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop)
Both can be environment can be in your system at the same time, just
select, when you log in, the environment you want to use.

Personally i go for kde because of it's object oriented structure, the
kio_slave, that allow any kde app to load files from all protocol
locations (webdav, (s)ftp, ssh, samba) and, of course, amaroK, the
ultimate audio library management tool :)
> I am new to Linux.
Note, you will quickly discover that gnome vs kde is a hot subject, try
to keep your head cool ^^
> * Shaakunthala.
> shaakunthala at
> shaakunthala at

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