maman durahman durahman at
Thu Oct 5 06:32:31 UTC 2006

On 05/10/06, Jared Buck <jared.buck at> wrote:
> > Is it possible to run KDE applications such as kalzium on the GNOME?
> Absolutely :)  i use Kopete (which is a KDE app) on GNOME a lot.  It
> may just load a tad slower on GNOME, but that's ok.

Me to. I use very opten SMB4K on Gnome. While it is natively on KDE. And
everything is OK.

> Please tell me which desktop environment is the best. GNOME or KDE?
> > Please describe each other (technically and non-technically).
> This is generally a matter of personal preference.  I use both just
> because I'm a picky person.   Right now I'm running in GNOME but will
> switch to KDE later.  It's more like what my mood is, helps me pick
> which interface i want to play with at that particular time.

I'am using both gnome and kde. Till right now i cannot judge which is the
best. Both are good. I satisfied with it.

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