image manipulation tool question

arndalebilo arndalebilo at
Wed Oct 4 21:40:38 UTC 2006

On Wed, 04 Oct 2006 08:12:22 -0400, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

> recently picked up a cheapo digital camera.  My wife wants to use it for 
> creating pictures she can put up on the web as well as general snapshots 
> of things in our world.  Now she wants to be able to manipulate 
> (re-scale, decimate resolution, crop) images and upload them to sites 
> like Flickr.

For simple resizing, cropping etc she could use Gthumb.
For Flickr, F-spot or maybe digiKam.  The latter needs KDE though.

> The problem is, she is a *Magic user* when it comes to technology. Being
> the sadistic husband that I am, I've set her up with Linux.  so far, she
> does okay with a few spells that I've given her.  but to tell you the
> truth, I don't know what image processing application is simple enough
> for her to use.  She's tried gimp and run away screaming.  Any 
> suggestions of what picture applications would be friendly for a magic
> user? 

> Additionally, are there any tools one could use to perform a 
> batch conversion on a set of images. 
> For example converting all the 
> images from the default resolution to a webpage friendly resolution.

You can re-size all the images in a directory by running mogrify in that
directory.  It's part of Image Magick.   

user at thepc:~/Pictures/copy-for-web$  mogrify -resize 500 *.jpg

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