Edgy broken partII

Frank McCormick fmccormick at videotron.ca
Mon Oct 2 13:12:51 UTC 2006

In trying to patch together my Edgy system, I ran into
the following problem while trying to run GDMSETUP

Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry
  Trying failed command again.  Try 2 of 5.
  Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry
  Trying failed command again.  Try 3 of 5.
  Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry
  Trying failed command again.  Try 4 of 5.
  Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry
  Trying failed command again.  Try 5 of 5.
  Command failed 5 times, aborting.
Could not access GDM configuration file.

The file is there...I checked. What is the meaning of the
"failed to connect to socket" error message?

Anyone ?

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