shipit question

Victor Polukcht vpolukcht at
Mon Oct 2 07:41:41 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-10-02 at 00:03 -0700, Constantine Evans wrote:

> t u wrote:
> > jonathan wrote:
> >> is it true edgy won't be sent via shipit when it is released.
> >>
> >>
> > yes, that's because it is the most experimental (read: new features =
> > more bugs) one of all ubuntu releases.
> While that was how it was advertised, I cannot see that it is true. Edgy 
> doesn't really contain any significant experimental features, excepting 
> perhaps upstart, which just emulates init right now, and for the most 
> part will likely continue to do so when Edgy is released. There were 
> probably more new features in Dapper.

I would say Edgy would be less tested then Dapper was.

> Are there some new, experimental features that I am missing, that would 
> make Edgy live up to the descriptions of it right after Dapper was 
> released?
> Constantine

Victor Polukcht <vpolukcht at>
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