When do you turn off your Ubuntu boxes?

Peter Hummers phummers at iname.com
Thu Nov 30 23:17:37 UTC 2006

I found this on Digg, about the energy-saving aspects of turning 
computers off when not in use (/not/ about the software, which is 
Windows only):


On Un*x, I've always left my computer on overnight (actually, for months 
at a time) to let cron do its housekeeping, but I see that Ubuntu 
installs anacron, which will complete the same tasks according to time 
elapsed since the last instance, not absolute time (i.e. 15:00).

How often do you all turn off your desktop Ubuntu boxes?
Peter Hummers
Peter Hummers covers entertainment events on, and about,
the Outer Banks of North Carolina at Outer Banks Onstage

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