help!! cannot get into gnome session

Tod Merley todbot88 at
Wed Nov 29 22:44:57 UTC 2006

On 11/29/06, Beinan Li <li.beinan at> wrote:
> My machine: dapper x86 on AMD64
> big problem!
> During last session, I believe that the only
> change of the system I made is that I installed
> gizmo and its dependencies (bonjour, libsipphone..)
> after that, KDE session is fine but the GNOME
> session shows this:
> The panels are flickering forever with a few
> start-up apps I set beforehand such as amule flickering as well.
> And they won't show up. I got the dialog asking if I wanna
> force quit the amule though, but that didn't work either.
> The only way left was to shut down the machine brutally.
> Any idea?
> Thanks.
> P.S. was it not a good idea to specify start-up apps?
> This makes GNOME look so vulnerrable:(...
> Beinan
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Hi Beinan!

I do not have even the facilities to check out gizmo but no one else
has jumped in so I will do what I can.

If I were you I would produce the problems you mention (gizmo/gnome)
and then do an ctl+alt+f1 to sign into a terminal (doing a ctl+alt+f7
should return you to the X (gnome) session when you want - you should
have terminals on F1 to F6 and F8 should show the last screen befor X
was started).

>From the terminal as root I would go to /var/log and check out
messages, kernel, syslog (system? - do not have a Dapper box nearby)
dmesg, and Xorg.0.log.  There may be some hints in these.  The "tail"
command you may well find useful.

Also do "top" as root.  This will show you who is useing the most of
your CPU.  One reference I found googleing "gizmo Ubuntu Dapper Gnome"
referenced 100% CPU useage by gizmo.

Good Hunting!


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