connecting to home network

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Sun Nov 26 13:22:04 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-11-26 at 07:31 -0500, KepalaLinux wrote:
> I have a home network (workgroup creatively called "home"). I have an
> SME server (called "nameserver") with an HP 1200 series LaserJet printer
> attached to it.  How do I do the following when I'm wireless ...
> 1. print to the server?
> 2. Get at the network shares on the server?
> I tried Places>Connect to Server but am unsure what to enter in the
> settings. Can anyone help?
> Thanks.

Can't you go to PLACES and then NETWORK SERVERS and then HOME?
Printing should be as easy as going to SYSTEM and then ADMINISTRATION
and then PRINTERS then PRINTER --> ADD PRINTER and then select NETWORK
PRINTER.... maybe?

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