[H/W] Motherboard support : Asus A8V-X ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Nov 22 05:36:12 UTC 2006

Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr> wrote:
> Looks like it's not an Edgy problem in my case. The TV card works just
> fine on both Dapper and Edgy... just not on THIS motherboard :-/

I just tried with Windows (heaven forbid), and Windows horror aside, it
has detected all the PCI cards. So maybe the problem comes from the
Linux driver for that motherboard chipset, some bug that prevents it
from detecting PCI cards, too bad... :-(

I will exchange the board for what was my next/second choice then: an
Intel 865G based board. As far as I understand it, the Intel chipsets
are very well supported in Linux, as Intel plays very fair with the
Linux community. Let's see if that saves my bacon...

Vince, looking forward to better times, where hardware "just works" in

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