Help - running into trouble updating Xubuntu

Claudio Clemens asturiolists at
Tue Nov 21 16:02:31 UTC 2006

2006-11-18, 21:49 +0100, Carsten Agger:
> Carsten Agger wrote:
> > I'm running Xubuntu dapper and trying to update to Edgy.
> > 
> Pls. can somebody help I don't know how to get any further
> and I don't know if it's safe to boot my computer or not ...


I managed to upgrade xubuntu, but it was with lots of trouble.

The best way is to do that not under X. So go to the console with
"CTR-ALT-F1", login and get root:

sudo su -

Then try to install aptitude. The software is great, and you can see
what is conflicting. Try to solve the conflicts manually. I need e.g. to
deinstall a Package from multiverse, before I could complete the
installation. I also needed to run aptitude, and dpkg and apt-get many

Just keep trying. Use "b" in aptitude to see if you get the problems

Good luck,


+- .''`. ---| Dipl.-Inf. Univ. Claudio Clemens |------| Sarge |-------+
| : :' :      asturio at gmx (.) net           GNU/Linux User #79942  |
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