Finance Program

Andy stude.list at
Thu Nov 16 21:18:04 UTC 2006

On 16/11/06, Gabriel Dragffy <dragffy at> wrote:
> Is it
> some secret?
yes, so I can't tell you what it is.
Actually I don't know, but I can tell you how to find out

Firstly logout and log back in again, sometimes this is needed to make
menu entries show up.

Still nothing?

oh dear,
looks like you are going to have to view the list of files supplied by
the package.
dpkg-query --listfiles [package_name]

(put the package name in there)
You don't even need to be root,

now what your looking for, you need to find the binary executable its
normally in /usr/bin but it can be in other places (normally a bin

or use grep:
dpkg-query --listfiles [package_name] | grep -i '/bin/'

if you see something like:
/usr/bin/progname then just type progname in a shell

Another trick is to see whether the package tried to create a menu entry
here I will demonstrate with a package called bluefish, insert your
package name in the commands where needed

~$ dpkg-query --listfiles bluefish | grep -i '/menu/'

check file type:
~$ file /usr/share/menu/bluefish
/usr/share/menu/bluefish: ASCII text

read it:
$ cat /usr/share/menu/bluefish

the command= line tells us what we need to use to run the program

~$ dpkg-query --listfiles bluefish | grep -i '\.desktop'

~$ file /usr/share/applications/bluefish.desktop
/usr/share/applications/bluefish.desktop: UTF-8 Unicode text, with
very long lines

~$ cat /usr/share/applications/bluefish.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Bluefish Editor
Exec=bluefish %F

the Exec line gives the program name

and lastly to find the man page (which should be the same as the binary's name):

~$ dpkg-query --listfiles bluefish | grep -i '/man/'

Of course change these for your package.

If it was meant to create a menu item and didn't it may be a bug.


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