
Michael Beattie mtbeedee at
Thu Nov 16 14:39:29 UTC 2006

On 11/16/06, Steve Flynn <anothermindbomb at> wrote:
> On 15/11/06, Michael Beattie <mtbeedee at> wrote:
> > Also, isql just prints a "usage" like message and then quite whereas
> > in the docs it shows it going to a SQL> prompt
> >
> How about showing us what you're typing in and getting back... It's
> difficult to see what the problem is when we can't see what you're seeing.
> --
> Steve
> Despair - It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black...
> --

Well, what do you need me to do to show you that there's no init
scripts?  I mean that's pretty straightforward.

As for the isql thing... page 21 of this guide

says to get into the shell, just type "isql".  When I do that, I get

$ isql

* unixODBC - isql                            *
* Syntax                                     *
*                                            *
*      isql DSN [UID [PWD]] [options]        *
*                                            *
* Options                                    *
*                                            *
* -b         batch.(no prompting etc)        *
* -dx        delimit columns with x          *
* -x0xXX     delimit columns with XX, where  *
*            x is in hex, ie 0x09 is tab     *
* -w         wrap results in an HTML table   *
* -c         column names on first row.      *
*            (only used when -d)             *
* -mn        limit column display width to n *
* -v         verbose.                        *
* -lx        set locale to x                 *
* --version  version                         *
*                                            *
* Notes                                      *
*                                            *
*      isql supports redirection and piping  *
*      for batch processing.                 *
*                                            *
* Examples                                   *
*                                            *
*      cat My.sql | isql WebDB MyID MyPWD -w *
*                                            *
*      Each line in My.sql must contain      *
*      exactly 1 SQL command except for the  *
*      last line which must be blank.        *
*                                            *
* Please visit;                              *
*                                            *
*               *
*      pharvey at              *
*      nick at                     *

and for the test database:

$ cat aliases.conf
# List of known database aliases
# ------------------------------
# Example Databases:

employee.fdb = /var/lib/firebird2/data/employee.fdb

$sudo ls -l /var/lib/firebird2/data
total 0
-rw-rw---- 1 firebird firebird 0 2006-09-28 11:03 no_empty

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