gtkpod - iPod recommendations requested

ac "aec$news" at
Thu Nov 16 11:45:47 UTC 2006

Mike wrote:
> Hi All,
> My daughter is going to be getting the 30 gig iPod for Christmas this
> year. We are a Linux only household and have been for several years. I
> was wondering if any of you have experience using an iPod with Linux? Is
> gtkpod a good program? Can it damage the iPod? Can you use iTunes
> store(for online mp3 purchases) with Linux? Are there any other programs
> you can recommend other than or in addition to gtkpod?

We are a 2 ipod family. Be aware that unless you are quite an expert 
with linux it is hard to set up the ipod immediately after purchase 
unless you use a windoz machine. My new 30G purchase recently would 
not even *run* at all on xp itunes unless I used the very latest itunes!

I had a slightly older version that the other 30G ipod was using, but 
I was using a laptop and away from home at a weekend, and no internet 
for itunes download. Beware.

I think the initial activity is format or something, itunes will do 
that easily. Subsequently the ipod will easily be recognised by 
(linux). I have not yet used it seriously with anything, and will be 
careful about asking for any sychronisation too. But I will not be 
using windows thats for sure.

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