Recovery Partitions

Renaud (Ron) Olgiati renaud at
Wed Nov 15 12:46:30 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 15 November 2006 09:23, my mailbox was graced by a missive
 from "Gary Jarrel" <garyjarrel at> who wrote:

> Has anyone had any experience in doing something similar?

What I have been doing for a gaggle of school computers is to create two 
primary partitions, one of which is hidden and invisible to Windows.

Once I have finished the install I Ghost the visible partition to the hidden 
one, and I keep handy a bootable floppy with Ghost on it.

Not reached the point where I trust the little deast with the floppy yet  ;-3(
                    Wer auf die preussiche Fahne schwört,
                   hat nichts mehr das ihm selber gehört.
                                            -- Walter Flex
                   -- --

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