Ubuntu has corrupted my file !

Renaud (Ron) Olgiati renaud at olgiati-in-paraguay.org
Tue Nov 14 15:46:10 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 14 November 2006 12:34, my mailbox was graced by a missive
 from John Dangler <jdangler at atlantic.net> who wrote:

> At this point, I'm a bit curious - how does someone who is a member of
> the Pakistani Team of Ubuntu, and a registered Linux user not know that
> backing up their files is an important issue?

We all know that we should backup our files every (????) or so.

But do we all do it ?
                    The problem with an honest day's work,
                 is that you get an honest day's pay for it.
                                -- Edward "Blackbeard" Teach
                   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

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