ubuntu-kubuntu-xubuntu on one box

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 16 04:08:02 UTC 2006

Nikolai <psalmos at swissinfo.org>  said:
> Did anybody try having these 3 on one box? I'm on Ubuntu Dapper now
> and would like to try the other two desktops to see which one I like
> the most. Just wondering if it's safe to install these guys together
> on one machine...
> Thanks
> Nikolai

I can say that it worked for me.  I installed Ubuntu, then KDE-desktop,
then Xubuntu-desktop.  My only  problem was running IceWM and programs
from both Gnome and KDE caused the loading of way too much, thereby
slowing down my machine a lot at times unless I intervened.  Having done
all that I have gone back to a pure Ubuntu installation and my system
runs pretty quickly again.
Of course, YMMV and if you break it you get to keep both parts.

Cybe R. Wizard
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