gtkpod - iPod recommendations requested

Stephen Brown Jr stephen.brown75 at
Wed Nov 15 15:17:11 UTC 2006

>I was wondering if any of you have experience using an iPod with Linux?

>Is gtkpod a good program?
Yes and works well with my experience

>Can it damage the iPod?
No, not that I am aware of anyhow

>Can you use iTunes store(for online mp3 purchases) with Linux?
No, Apple's songs are DRM protected, and you will not be able to play them
under linux without iTunes. Some people have had succes using iTunes under
wine, but I'm not sure about what version or issues they may have had.

>Are there any other programs you can recommend other than or in addition to
I personally like Amarok, it's for KDE, but does work in Gnome. sudo apt-get
install amarok will install it and the libraries it needs

I have a 5th gen 30gb iPod that I bought last year and so far I have had no
issues using it under linux. Something else worth looking into would be
running linux on the iPod itself, it is doable, and won't make any permanent
changes to your iPod. I haven't gotten around to trying it yet, but looks
like it adds a lot of features:

Hope that helps :)

On 11/15/06, Mike <nowhereman.777 at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> My daughter is going to be getting the 30 gig iPod for Christmas this
> year. We are a Linux only household and have been for several years. I
> was wondering if any of you have experience using an iPod with Linux? Is
> gtkpod a good program? Can it damage the iPod? Can you use iTunes
> store(for online mp3 purchases) with Linux? Are there any other programs
> you can recommend other than or in addition to gtkpod?
> Any input would be very much appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Mike
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