Ubuntu has corrupted my file !

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 14:33:23 UTC 2006

On 11/14/06, sebastien <scamu at no-log.org> wrote:
> ARGH ! ! !
> Dont understand what has happened.
> Yesterday I was working under openoffice spreadsheet normally & shut
> down as usual (as far as I can remember).
> This morning Ubuntu's boot make a fsck (check forced, boot 30 times
> without check). And I cannot access to my file ! My so precious file on
> which I have worked so much !
> When I open it OO says 'general I/O error'.
> How can I recover it if I can ? I fear everything's lost. But why ?
> Im disappointed I thought Id never have this kind of problem in such a
> stable OS. There might be a solution, no ?
> Seb

I feel for you too, these sorts of things always happen, specially on
Microsoft based filesystems.

If someone fsck.vfat a corrupt FAT32 then expect to see their files and
directories disapears..
The FAT/NTFS based filesystem as a means of exchanging data between
different OS's is always a headache, and it sucks... primarily, being
ubiquitous, those FS doesn't improve anything.. Microsoft's softwares _is_


Don't let your future genes deteriorate..
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