file system check on boot

Bill Marcum bmarcum at
Fri Nov 10 07:34:46 UTC 2006

On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 19:50:09 -0800 (PST), Michael B. Levy 
  <mblevy2000 at> wrote:
> Folks,
> I have a dual boot setup on my system with a FAT32
> partition in place to share files between the two
> operating systems.  Since I set it up on this machine
> last week, the usplash stops and I see fsck being run
> on my FAT32 partition.  This occurs every single time
> I boot up the machine, without fail.
> Does anyone know what's causing this, and how to stop
> it?  Was the partition created incorrectly?
Look in /etc/fstab. In the line for the FAT partition, change the last 
number to 0.

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