new to ubuntu; have a few questions

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Thu Nov 9 19:51:40 UTC 2006

Gosh, this posting should teach me not to post when sick:

On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 20:32 +0100, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> You are right insofar as root ultimately root does not give you super
> powers 

Should say: You are right insofar as root ultimately does not give you
super powers 

> that make the computer do miraculous things. Root just lets you
> do "everything", and at some level "everything" is doable in OSX or
> Windows. 
> However the default admin account in Windows does not let you do
> everything, as far as I know. (I am not familiar with OSX.) In addition,
> as root by default it is assumed that you know what you do, and few
> questions are asked.

Should say: In addition, if you are root it is by default assumed that
you know what you do, and few questions are asked.

> In my definition of "more power" these do things do give root "more
> power" than the "admin" of other OSes.

Should read: In my definition of "more power" these two things do give
root ...

Sorry for that 

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