Shell Script question

F.J.Zhao fuziok at
Thu Nov 9 17:27:42 UTC 2006

In linux, the common place to put tmpfile is /tmp, not /usr/tmp. See
FHS for detail explanation.

2006/10/25, Linda Hanigan <haniganwork at>:
> I am migrating a bunch of programs from RH 7.3 to Ubuntu. I am having
> problems with some of my  shell scripts. Below is the first lines of the
> script through the line that causes the error and the error. This has
> always worked even back to the 1980 with unix any idea what I need to
> do? The /usr/tmp directory is present and rwx by the user running the
> script. The script is suppose to create the file.
> # Mprice_ prints missouiri price list
> TEMP=/usr/tmp/price
> show=MO
> echo "What type of price list do you want? (Q P)"
> read style
> echo "How many copies do you want? "
> read copies
> echo "^[E
> " > $TEMP
> /usr/local/lbin/Tent/Mprice_: line 9: /usr/tmp/price: No such file or
> direc tory
> Thank you so much
>         Linda
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