fetchmail isn't getting new messages

ruscook ruscook_oz at yahoo.com.au
Mon Nov 6 19:37:46 UTC 2006

I tend to leave mail on my ISP sites so have a few thousand messages on 
some accounts. I'm also polling about 8-10 accounts.  I have the 
fetchmail daemon set for 900sec intervals.  This means it finishes a run 
before starting another and doesn't overload the ISP pop daemon. If you 
don't leave mail on server it should run a lot quicker on each run so 
5min is probably fine (unless you suck a lot of accounts from the one 
ISP which can also add to the load).


Blake Smith wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, what would be a good fetch interval? I have mine
> set for 5 minutes but is that too quick?
> Thanks,
> Blake
> On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 08:01:28PM +1100, ruscook wrote:
>> Hi Wade
>> 120 secs is way too quick, if you've got  a lot of mail it can virtually 
>> stall on your system and put a huge overhead on your ISP.
>> As you've got two totally separate accounts and one of them was not 
>> there or commented out, I'd guess you've made a mistake editing 
>> fetchmail.rc when you've added the second account.
>> Please post the file, but first remove/delete you passwords from it, so 
>> we can offer some advice.
>> wade at wadesmart.com wrote:
>>> 11052006 1122 GMT-6
>>> I have fetchmail setup get email from two locations: gmail and my email 
>>> acct.
>>> I have only been getting my gmail email for now because its a small amount 
>>> and easy for testing.
>>> This morning I turned it toward my email account but I noticed that its 
>>> not getting mail for either acct now.
>>> Its set to check ever 120 seconds.
>>> Wade
>> -- 
>> Kind Regards Russell
>> ==================
>> www.windsorcycles.com.au
>> bikes.no-ip.info
>> Linux user #369094
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Kind Regards Russell
Linux user #369094

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