Printing with CUPS
Clive Menzies
clive at
Mon Nov 6 17:11:51 UTC 2006
On (06/11/06 15:41), Alistair Crust wrote:
> To fill you in I am from Skegness Grammar School an 800+ pupil school in
> Lincolnshire. We run Ubuntu Dapper as a thin client environment right
> throughout the school and use it to teach ALL curriculum lessons.
> Just recently we have had a few problems printing from the four LTSP
> servers we have. (we don't use edubuntu due to Local Disk Access,
> although in a few months we will be trying edgy on a test server. Anyway
> I digress). I think the reason is that we have the four app servers
> accessing the jetdirect enabled printers directly instead of on server
> managing all. We also would like to allow access to certain printers
> from all machines but only from staff accounts, thus:
> My idea was to install a Dapper server and on it cupsys et al. Then
> administer via web (from a set number of machines, e.i. My office, staff
> room, anywhere the kids don't have access).
> Problem is that the web interface is disabled by default.. not a problem
> I hear you cry. Wrong! after enabling the / and /admin sections via the
> cupsd.conf Allow directive the web site does indeed become accessible,
> problem is that when trying to add a printer the web interface is asking
> for an upgrade because I am not accessing it from https://. I know this
> is some kind of licence issue using ssl, but I don't want to use https.
> and even when I install openssl the thing still doesn't work. I have
> googled and there has been a few posts relating to my problem here but
> none that actually fix the problem, after trying the suggestions the
> trail just goes cold.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Apologies for cross posting but I have had no luck so far and would
> really like the school to be shown as a good example to others. If I
> can't get printing to work then that kind of blows my efforts out the
> water.
You need to add cupsys to the shadow group and then you'll be able to
use the web inteface. Add yourself to the lpadmin group. And in
cupsd.conf there is an option to allow administration from IP ranges.
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