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Michael B. Levy
mblevy2000 at
Fri Nov 3 05:58:14 UTC 2006
Ack. One more caveat. If you haven't installed
RealPlayer systemwide (meaning, not in your home
folder) I don't believe you'll be able to get the
browser plugin to work unless you symlink the
executable to /usr/bin or add the installation
location to your $PATH, as the plugin will look for
the executable somewhere in your $PATH.
BTW, before I end this message, I should tell you that
if you had run the installation program with sudo and
installed the program systemwide for all users, the
installer, if I remember correctly, copies all the
plugin files to the appropriate location without you
copying files manually.
Whew. That's all.
--- Roger Neth Jr <baypos at> wrote:
> Hello Mike, agreed and I did a fresh install of Edgy
> from Dapper. Not
> intended but accidentally fresh install on the
> wrong hdd.
> Everything is working well except I cannot get
> realplay to be a plugin for
> firefox. I need to figure this out.
> Is there a way to start a superuser file browser to
> copy and paste
> into mozilla-firefox plugin directory and
> nphelix.xpt into the
> component directory.
> I did an install into my home folder of
> Realplayer10Gold.bin
> Ubuntu is the first Linux distro that I have been
> using more than Windows.
> Thanks to Mark Shuttleworth, Ubuntu developers,
> community and users.
> Best regards,
> Roger
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