Roundcube or other webmail client

Matthew Nicholson sjoeboo at
Thu Nov 2 20:40:53 UTC 2006

I set up roundcube a while back. if its not in the repo, just get the
tarball, extract it, move it to your web-dir, and edit the config as
needed to connect to you mailserver/db. thats all folks.
On Thu, 2006-11-02 at 14:26 -0600, chrisl at wrote:
> I've been trying to get roundcube working from the package that I 
> installed using apt-get. Has anyone run across a good installation/setup 
> guide, or have a better webmail client to use? I have been using 
> squirrelmail for the last couple of years, but it doesn't quite do the job.
Matthew Nicholson <sjoeboo at>

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