edgy fstab and computer place

Eric Lemoine eric.lemoine at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 14:29:46 UTC 2006

On 11/2/06, Allan Spagnol Comar <allan.comar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning,
> I am having a strange problem, before I updated to edgy from dapper
> last week I had on  computer place two NTFS partitions from my windows
> system and I could mount then whenever I want by double clicking then.
> Today I had to mount and I went to computer place, and they wheren't
> there, so I thought, fstab is missing, will change, my surprise was
> when I open fstab I got :
> /dev/sda1       /media/winc     ntfs user,defaults,umask=0000,noauto  0       2
> /dev/sda2       /media/wind     ntfs user,defaults,umask=0000,noauto  0       2
> and linux partitions using UUID that I do not know. So my question is
> how can I get the same behavior that I had in dapper ? I had try
> vol_id /dev/sda1 and vol_id -u /dev/sda1 and the don't return nothing.
> Thanks in advance for the help, and sorry for louse english.

I don't know anything about computer place (sorry), but if I were you
I'd try to manually mount my NTFS partitions to see if that works. For

sudo mount /media/winc

and check if /media/winc is populated as you expect it to be.

Hope this helps...


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