Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings.co.za
Mon May 29 12:44:56 UTC 2006
On Monday 29 May 2006 00:37, Thiers Botelho wrote:
> Since you particularly dislike intermingling text on postings I
> wouldn't do that when replying to yours, even when considering it
> would easier for the understanding of the flow of ideas.
Looks to me like we are using different meaning of "intermingling"
here. I was referring to a mixture of top and bottom posting from
different people which is incredibly messy. I don't have a name for
this "style", I consider it's a very bad thing.
OTOH are you talking about inserting your replies to each comment I
make below my comment (like we are both doing here)? This is a very
good thing
> So I'll partially re-quote your statement from way above in order
> to better clarify context (that's my point of view, you'll probably
> disagree).
> > A mailing list like this is the very place where bottom post
> > rules MUST be enforced.
> Since I'm new to the list I'd be interested in learning what
> mechanism is used here to achieve this enforcement.
There's only one way - members enforce the rules between themselves.
It's the same thing as if you persistently did something very rude at
work - after a while someone would point it out and ask you to stop.
What's lacking is a clear statement of what the local rules are. A
good system is an automated post once a week/fortnight/month that
lays them out - in common with most lists I'm on, that's not done
Maybe it's time for a vote on this matter to get agreement on it.
If only me, you and dead people understand hex,
how many people understand hex?
Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five
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