
Mauricio Hernandez Z. mhz.chile at
Sun May 28 03:17:27 UTC 2006

I have been admin for about 14 wikis so far (all moin-moin wikis). About
9 of them have been for personal use and the rest on some other people's

Everytime I have isntalled one moin wiki, I have done it as explained at
the moinmoin wiki site or else, following an extract of their Help pages
for my own mini howto.

AFAIK, this is easier approach than 'default' one.

If you used APT to install moin, I think all you config files are
under /etc/moin and /usr/share/moin/?

However, I have not used APT for Moin,so I have no idea. The thing is
that there are diff ways to get Moin running, with or without apache,
with or without public access, running from your /home, etc.

If what you are looking for is just a wiki for your /home, I'd suggest
you try MoinMoinDesktopEdition as it includes EVERYTHING you need and
does not touch your system at all. You can get it at the donwload
section of

Just email me if you need further help or maybe even get together at
#edubuntu (my nick is 'mhz') in and I'll be glad to
assist you step by step while you install it and set it.

Kindest regards,


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