
Thiers Botelho thiersb at gmail.com
Sat May 27 21:55:59 UTC 2006

Just to add my 2 cents worth:

As I come from a corporate background I don't care at all, when
reading mail from a list, if replies come top-wise or bottom-wise.

I don't mind at all about scrolling to the bottom either, since 90% of
the time a simple CTRL-END does the trick.

But I'm also sure this top-or-bottom thing is a religious issue for
many, so I [mostly] try to follow whatever house rules when posting

I think that a mailing list - more so if it is a high-traffic one like
this - is a fine opportunity for accomodating different points of view
and different levels of general tolerance, so either top or bottom
posting are equally welcome.



On 5/27/06, ruscook <ruscook_oz at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> I'm with you David. I think there are times when both top posting and
> bottom posting are appropriate. A lot of corporate emails is one
> instance, short email conversations another. Either way both have limits
> and like you say, if everytime I select a message I have to scroll a
> huge number of lines, or on a mailing list wade through a number of
> screens (pages), then I think bottom posting has also hit its limits :-)
> Judicious editing of posts (which we don't have time for in a lot of
> cases I know) can mean that the advantages of one method to the other
> can be minimal in a lot of cases.  But it's a religious debate based on
> logic and opinion so I can't see there being any "win/win" out of it.
> Russell
> Dave Scott wrote:
> > Well, looks like I'm in the minority here, but if I do run across a
> > post that's in chronological order top to bottom, and if the last
> > answer is off the screen, most likely I'll just move on to the next
> > message rather than take the time to scroll.
> > Dave
> >
> > Alan McKinnon wrote:
> >> On Friday 26 May 2006 16:58, Me - Atlantic wrote:
> >>
> >>>>> Actually, no.  It's because I have so many clients that respond
> >>>>> to corporate emails that way, and, when I "bottom-post", they
> >>>>> ask me why the emails are replied to "backwards"...
> >>>>>
> >>>> ye gods I hate that.
> >>>> I used to try and explain why top posting is evil
> >>>> and give example conversations. Few of them got it so I gave up.
> >>>>
> >>> I've decided to swim upstream.  I'm going to simply start replying
> >>> to emails again the way I used to, and when people ask why emails
> >>> are "backwards", I'll tell them that my new email client (I'm the
> >>> only one running Linux) doesn't allow it, so live with it. (Being a
> >>> new partner affords me some luxury). If they want to "reverse"
> >>> everything, let them. I'm tired of moving everything around.  Who
> >>> knows?  Maybe I'll get some of the underlings to convert to Ubuntu!
> >>>
> >>
> >> My hero :-)
> >>
> >> Maybe try looking at them with a completely confused stumped look on
> >> your face and innocently ask "Why do you put the answer before the
> >> question? In a spoken conversation it goes the other way round."
> >>
> >>
> >
> > --
> > David E. Scott             614-457-1037
> > DScott91 at Columbus.rr.com   Software Development
> > Website:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/davescott/
> >
> --
> Kind Regards Russell
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